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If you could change something about your life what would it be? (something that actually can change, not I would be an astronaut. More like I would be free of this addiction, I would have a savings account, I would have better grades…you get it)

What is one big goal you have for your future?

The Path Principle

The path principle says “Direction Determines Destination.”
What does that mean to you?

You can pack your swimsuit, tell all your friends you are going to Corpus to hit the beach, and even pray for safe travels, but if you get on i35 and go north you will never get there.  Why is this principle easy to see when driving but less obvious in our lives?

A great starting place to ending up in life where you want is to determine what the next step in the right direction is.  When you think about your goals and things you would change in your life, what are some next steps? (write them down and be ready to discuss them with your group).



Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.

This tells us that God will show us what path to take if we will do three things.

1.  Trust in the LORD with all your heart;

What does it mean to trust God?  Are some areas harder to trust God than others? How can you give God control of your goals?


2.  and lean not on your own understanding;

Sometimes what God tells us to do doesn’t seem to make sense.  Have you ever done something just because you believed God wanted you to even though you didn’t understand why?


3.  in all your ways acknowledge him,

If we want God to direct our paths, a great question we could ask is, “in what part of my life am I not seeking his way?”


 Making it personal

When you think about the following topics do you think you are heading in the right direction? What would it look like to seek God’s way in these areas?




Extra personal:

Have you ended up somewhere in your life that you don’t want to be? (Addicted to something, in a bad relationship, depressed)

What path got you to where you are?

What do you believe a step in the right direction would be?